Country Report on Jamaica and one of its policies.

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Part 1: The Country Report Jamaica is the largest of the island countries located in the West Indies. With a population of approximately 2.7 million people, the country is slightly diverse. Most of the population, 91 percent, is primarily of African or mixed African-European origin, descended from slaves brought to the island between the 17th and 19th centuries1. The minorities include East Indians, Europeans, and Chinese. The country is half urban and half rural with the largest cities …

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…Economy Jamaica's Economic Troubles," BBC Online Network (April 22, 1999), 9.Kovaleski, p A13. 10.David Kopel, "Farewell Jamaica, " National Review Online (September 10, 2001), 11.Kopel. 12.Will Grant and Jon Farmer, "Crime Time: The NS Guide to Hot Spots Around the World," New Statesman, Vol. 131, No.4584 (April 2002), pp. 32. 13."Jamaica: Government Moves to Halt Bloody Crime Wave," Inter-Press Service (July 14,1999), 14."Patterson Pledges to Resume Hangings," Gleaner Online (September 16, 2002),