Count the number of times you hear the words "liberal" and "conservative."

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Political Science
Count the number of times you hear the words "liberal" and "conservative." From the sound of the political advertisements, the perception seems to be that conservative is good and liberal is bad. Some candidates seem to judge the power of their campaign ads by how many times they can use the word conservative. First, what is a conservative? "n. 1 A person who is opposed to change, either by nature or on principle. 2 a member of …

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…they have the fear that they will be taxed while they sleep." "We must have a constitutional spending cap and must immediately attack operating deficits head on. Does this mean we are going to make cuts, yes. Does this mean education is on table, no. Does this mean I am willing to raise taxes? No. Additional taxes are the last burden we need to put on the backs of the citizens and businesses of California."