Could the Great Depression be describes a time of desperation?

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Essay Database > History
The Great Depression could not be described as a time of complete economic desperation; it was however a time of social adversity. While many millions of people endured the harsh conditions that occurred during the Depression, the hardship was not uniform; the levels of people's suffering and their despair varied greatly depending on their class and country. In the United States, where the economic crash first occurred, many businesses closed down due to bankruptcy or …

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…by 25%. The economic situation was worsening quickly and the people were becoming desperate. -women, blacks, unskilled labourers lost jobs; The unemployment in towns due to bankrupt businesses impacted not only on the consumer goods market but the agricultural market too. -people lost jobs and couldn't afford to buy meat, fruit and vegetables. Surplus of food and low demand meant prices crash. Farmers stop selling crops because selling at a loss and people starve in city.