Cosby Show

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Society is constructed into a hierarchy of social classes; poverty is what separates the social classes apart. The elite rich are at the top of this hierarchy, at the center are the middle-income families, and at the bottom are the low-income families and homeless. Traditionally the rich exploit the poor for more money while the poor become even more destitute. In the United States, the minorities are typically in the poor low-income level. The essays, ?…

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…does not allow the blacks to elevate themselves to a higher notch on the social hierarchy. The conduct of these ?stigmatized? people that concerns the more fortunate classes for example mugging, are committed because the poor are so destitute. If the funding policies are changed, the conduct will be reduced and the stigma could be possibly removed from this class of people. This could create a truly ?equal? chance for citizens of the United States.