Coruption of Antigua

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Essay Database > History
Corruption of Antigua Jamaica Kincaid writes very well in expressing her feelings and letting the reader know how she feels on certain topics. She is very convincing on how beautiful Antigua is but also how corrupt it is at the same time. Kincaid writes with aggression and rage towards her Antiguan government, the tourism in Antigua, and the history of Antigua with the European influence. The government in Antigua is run by corrupt people who …

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…towards Europe because there no longer are slaves and that is alright. A Small Place gives a very good perception of how Antigua is. Kincaid makes her feelings very apparent. Antigua is a place full of beautiful oceans, and lush vegetation. A tourist probably can have a wonderful time in Antigua, from the native perspective though, there are lots of corruption in Antigua and Kincaid expresses her aggression towards the government, the tourist, and Europe.