Corruption in "the Gangs of New" York by Herbert Asbury

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Corruption in the Gangs of New York The Gilded Age, or as it is commonly referred to as, the era of corruption, took place in 1877 to 1900. This time period was most effectively portrayed in the novel and movie, The Gangs of New York, which was written by Herbert Asbury. The Gangs of New York focused on a time of political corruption during a period of massive increase in immigration in New York. In this essay …

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…Age, opportunities were harder to come by thus increasing reciprocity and more chances for corruption. Political machines became in power, basically a business of corruption. Corruption spread in all forms of government even the police. Bad situations also influenced corruption, in that, politicians made sure these unfortunates happened, to make them appear as heroes in order to obtain votes. Thus immigration, political machines, and bad situations have all contributed to corruptions long and vibrant history.