Corporate Social Responsibility leads to Profits

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
The Cola fiasco brings the issue of Corporate governance not being adhered will lead to affect the business severly. Resilience But the Dhara brand after Dropsy cases in India (threat of "Argemone Mexicana," the minuscule mustard seed look-alike which wreaked havoc in most of the states.) in September 1998 is a growing brand today . It's not that public memory is fickle , it is the Amul Brand equity build by the social responsiveness led the masses to …

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…amp;lt;Tab/>Quality, process performance *<Tab/> *Wipro talks of 360 degree solutions,quality leadership,measurable business results and proven Track record. Infosys for providing a world class working environment to their employees (Hewitt Associates Business today) New York Stock Exchange cites Infosys Technologies as a role model regarding disclosure of information to shareholders. India's Best employers + India largest wealth creators Saturday, December 19, 1998 Top brass of JVG booked for cheating