Corporal Punishment: Good or Bad?

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
There are many different ways of disciplining a child. Corporal punishment is one of the main ones. Corporal punishment is defined as intentionally inflicting pain on the body for purposes of punishment or controlling behaviour. Corporal punishment comes in different forms, there is teachers punishing students as discipline, and then there is the most common form of corporal punishment which is the punishment administered by parents. Corporal punishment is not a necessary or a long-term …

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…and get their treat. Corporal punishment is an unjust way to discipline a child it does too much harm to the child and only brings fear to them. In this era of reform, the alternatives to corporal punishment should be used more to teach children self-discipline rather than being cooperative only because of fear. People should use ways of discipline such as verbal correction, reasoning, and time-outs. Therefore corporal punishment should be banned in Canada.