Corporal Punishment

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Pages: 3
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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
"Corporal punishment refers to the deliberate infliction of pain on someone as a method of changing behavior (3)". It includes a wide range of methods such as hitting, slapping, kicking and punching, shaking, choking, use of various objects such as wooden paddles, belts, or sticks, painful body posture, or prevention of urine or stool elimination. The use of corporal punishment in the home and at school has been widely debated. Some claim that it is means …

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…the shattered trust that would result if an adult was hit by their spouse or partner. For a child, that fear and betrayal is magnified greatly. We cannot truthfully say that we advocate for children, respect children, care about the welfare and safety of children and want to prevent child abuse if we continue to permit the use of corporal punishment. Corporal punishment serves the needs of adults and society, not the needs of children.