Coriolanus-Discussion of Volumnia

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
As a woman, Volumnia lacks the ability to achieve power on her own in the male-dominated Roman society; she also lacks a husband through whom she might indirectly enjoy public clout. Thus, Volumnia raises her son to be a great soldier, and it is her ambition, more than his, that puts him on the disastrous track toward the consulship. Moreover, Volumnia's controlling nature constitutes a major cause of Coriolanus's fatal childishness; and while his legendary …

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…body before he attacks Rome. She also plays upon his honor, saying that he will be forever remembered as a traitor if he attacks his own country. Although no one else in Rome could accomplish it, Volumnia succeeds in swaying her son, proving she is the stronger personality of the two. Although she looses Coriolanus physically, she has saved his reputation. In Rome, he dies an honored man; additionally, she has gained her own glory.