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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
Brando's raspy-voiced role (later to be mimicked by a host of impersonators) was difficult in one respect for Coppola in that the actor was 47 at the time, much too young for the aging Mafia don. The problem was solved by makeup expert Dick Smith, who has accomplished similar wonders in The Exorcist (1973) and in Little Big Man (1970), where he aged Dustin Hoffman to 100 years old. Smith added wrinkles to Brando's skin by applying liquid latex, …

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…own family, with tragic consequences. Exciting Scenes-The first two installments in the trilogy are vastly different in both style and scope; The Godfather is more of a classical thriller than its successor - it is made up of exciting action scenes and memorable set-pieces (the horse's head, Sonny's violent death, Michael's protection of his father in the hospital, that brilliant Baptism scene - all assault the viewer and leave an indelible impression); - Noel O'Shea.