Copenhagen - Heisenberg's dilemma: Friendship vs Patriotism.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
"But why did he come?" There have been numerous interpretations put on this mysterious encounter. Did Heisenberg make the trip in hope of recruiting Bohr for his team of physicists? Did Heisenberg simply want to boast to his old teacher about how important he was in the Third Reich and that he was now the chief of the German bomb program? Or were the moral implications of the realization of a nuclear weapon far too …

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…a question that has intrigued historians ever since the encounter. The varying accounts of the meeting given by both Heisenberg and Bohr only further confuse us. Nonetheless we can still learn a valuable lesson from this play. Memory changes. We all reorganize our recollections, consciously or unconsciously, as time goes by, to fit our changed perceptions of a situation. For this reason I find it safe to say that the mystery will never be resolved.