Convicts and The writing of History: Reality or Myth?

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Essay Database > History > World History
Historiography, or the methodology used for historical study and writing, helps demonstrate that the present is not divorced from the past; rather that history is a continuous dialogue with it. There are many contentious issues in writing history, depending on the agenda behind the accounts. This is shown clearly through attitudes to the Australian convicts. This essay will examine the historiography of writing Australian history, through authors such as MacIntyre, Pascoe, Windschuttle and Clark, then …

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…Company, Boston Schedvin, M. B. and Schedvin, C. (1978). 'The Nomadic Tribes of Urban Britain: A Prelude to Botany Bay' in Historical Studies, Vol. 18, No. 7, October. Pp 254-276 Shlomowitz, Ralph (1990). 'Convict Workers: A Review Article' in Australian Economic History Review. Vol 30, No. 2, September. Pp 67-88 Smith, John (1988). Advance Australia Where?Anzea Publishers, Homebush West. Ward, Russell (1958). The Australian Legend. Oxford University Press, Carlton Windschuttle, Keith (2002). 'The Historian as Prophet and Redeemer' in Quadrant December. Pp 9-18