Controlling Immigration to the U.S.-

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Controlling Immigration to the U.S.- With the many different groups of people coming to this country in search of a better life, we should cut back on who we should allow to have citizenship. There are thousands of immigrants coming to the U.S. every day. A lot of these immigrants are illegal aliens coming to the U.S. to find jobs. Whenever we catch illegals crossing our borders, we should send them …

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…country would be a lot better off if no one was allowed in. Though it is probably not possible to stop all illegal immigrants to come, we can lower the number tremendously. Crime, the economy, and unemployment would all benefit from keeping everyone out. " In some fashion we've got to ignore the promise of the Statue of Liberty," Congressman Romano Mozzoli says. " The U.S.'s moral responsibility to accept immigrants is not unlimited" (Lamar 15).