Continuation Of interviews with Florence a Pondo from Sub_Sahara Africa

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
I have chosen to interview Florence Mdliwa, a Pondo (not originally, but married into a Pondo family) woman who has lived on our farm (Rheenedal) and worked for us since they moved from their village near Umtata 14 years ago. I conducted the interviews in our living room, as Florence has 5 children and said that they would disturb us. Florence is also very comfortable in our house, as she has worked there for 14 years. One of …

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…a big one at that since most of their village is family) are there. Another interesting thing is how Florence becomes nervous and embarrassed when she simply cannot understand a concept (even though she used to bathe me when I was small). The interviews were very informal, since I had known her all my life, yet sometimes she still became uncomfortable and I felt like there was a barrier because I was the 'bosses son'.