Contextual aspects of Edwardian England and Shaw's personal context

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Economics
The content present in Shaw's "Pygmalion", thoroughly reflects the aspects of Edwardian England. Shaw made this issue one of the themes of his play and unveiled the "markers" people of the time used to judge and evaluate one another. Shaw utilizes several examples of class system, gender roles, education and religion to reflect the attitudes and values of people during the particular era. The class system in Edwardian England had clearly established distinctions where those …

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…the transformation of an entire society, also implying that patriarchaism is present in Edwardian England. It is evident through the text that behind the comedy, the play amongst many things is a satire on the class system. Shaw challenges the assumption that the working classes were essentially immoral and summons the ethics of Edwardian England with reference to class structure. He demonstrates that intelligence can liberate one from ignorance and assists in realizing full potential.