Contemporary Hate Groups

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Throughout history, in the presence of two or more different races or creeds there has been some degree of racism. The centuries of disdain have compounded and created ironclad stereotypes that are present in most societies. During the Middle Ages, prejudice towards Jews began to fester. Jews had been refused many menial jobs to allow Christians to work. Thus many Jews became wealthy in the more profitable industries of clothing and banking (Finzi). Christians resented …

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…should not receive more punishment than against another just because of a different skin color (Gott). Racists argue that hate crime legislation is designed to promote the value of minority life while denigrating whites. However through the passage of time the acceptance of prejudice has dwindled and hate groups have been forced to compromise their doctrine. In the future toleration of hate will continue to drop, leading to the ultimate demise of organized hate groups.