'Contemplating a Classic a report by Haaya Naushan' David Copperfield by Charles Dickens

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'Contemplating a Classic a report by Haaya Naushan' David Copperfield by Charles Dickens 1. Would you like to have lived in the time period described by the author of your novel? Why or Why not? Give reasons. I would not have liked to live in the times in David Copperfield as there was a strong distinction between the common people and the noble people in other words the rich and the poor. In this time period …

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…readers to a full life with great success. The novel itself is hanging between characters, in the last chapter. So in conclusion I can say that I profoundly agree with the initial statement because it properly describes this masterpiece of life. In conclusion I think that this book is a literacy feat and if this book is not considered a classic it would then have to be considered on of the wonders of the world.