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Essay Database > History
During the Truman administration, a containment policy was developed. The policy eventually became the central concept defining U.S. foreign policy in the Cold War. To contain Soviet Communism, President Harry Truman used American military and financial resources to help rebuild Western Europe after World War II. Under the Truman Doctrine, President Truman requested Congress for funds to build up Turkey and Greece, two countries that came under pressure from the Soviet Union. Truman stated …

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…depended chiefly on the South Vietnamese. Throughout the Cold War Era, the main focus was about containment of Communism. First developed in the Truman administration, it continued to the Johnson administration where it dealt with Vietnam. From Truman to Johnson, the idea of containment of Communism was evident. Such organizations as NATO and SEATO, are evident accomplishments that demonstrate the effort of trying to maintain the policy of containment of Communism throughout the Cold War.