Consumer behaviour in marketing ethics

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Controversial Issues
Marketing can undoubtedly bring benefits to society, although some aspects of marketing may be questionable on ethical grounds. The aim of this assignment is to raise criticism of marketing and show that consumer behaviour is affected by ethical issues. Do consumers really care about marketing ethics? Ethics is a complex concept to define, and there is an attempt made by contemporary theorists to highlight ethical behaviour in a marketing context. Issues surrounding marketing ethics and …

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…of major unethical practices our views of Nike will still be: looks good and McDonalds: Still make a tasty burger. References: Principles of Marketing<Tab/>F.Brassington S.Pettitt<Tab/>2nd Edition<Tab/>2000 International Marketing, International addition, 4th Edition, M.R.Czinkota I.A.Ronkaiaen JOURNAL OF CONSUMER MARKETING, VOL. 18 NO. 7 2001 www.saigon/