Constitution Friend or Foe

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Essay Database > History > North American History
The American Revolution: when you say it, a taste of historic importance touches your lips. Probably one of the most remembered event in the past, the Revolution was a war between the 13 colonies in America and, as Thomas Paine states in his article "Common Sense", their 'mother or parent country' Britain (Paine, Thomas). With Britain finally defeated, the colonies became an independent nation. However, some more problems would arise soon. One problem was that they …

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…nation was in crisis (the "war" with France), many people looked up to the Constitution (Resolutions of December 21, 1798 114-116). Overall, the Constitution needed to be created for the stable government. Today, we still have liberty, we have freedom, and we are safe because we know that laws are keeping us all protected. I say that we should thank these critics for making our lives what they are today. We are safe, and we are proud.