Considering the history of Vietnam before 1961, the U.S. should not have made the military and political commitment to defend Diem and South Vietnam

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Throughout much of its history, Vietnam had been under the rule of colonial countries such as France and Japan, who had interest in Vietnam particularly for its raw materials and for its recourses. Nearly a century later, when time came for Vietnam?s independence, the United States should not have intervened in Vietnam?s affairs, and they learned that doing so caused havoc for several countries, mainly their own. Ho Chi Minh was one of …

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…view of Americans in the eyes of the Vietnamese. Going against the Geneva Convention and backing corrupt leaders, namely Ngo Dinh Diem, along with underestimating the power of Vietnam?s nationalist goals, ultimately added to the hatred of Americans. These aspects of Vietnam?s history should have altered the actions and intervention that the United States had in Vietnam, and avoiding interference would most likely have resulted in a quicker, less bloody independence of Vietnam.