Consider the view that the development and management of tourism at destination can not be left entirely in the hands of the private sector.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Current Issues
INTRODUCTION. In the tourism field, the term public sector covers the whole range of public organizations from national government ministries and departments to government business enterprises and local government tourism departments (Elliot, 1997). On the other hand private sector provides tourism products in the whole range of functions, such as accommodation, food and beverages, transportation and retail shopping (Elliot, 1997). In line with the current global trend of economic decentralization and privatization, the travel and tourism industry …

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…M., (1994), International Regulation, Tourism Marketing and Management Handbook, 2nd ed., Hertfordshire: Prentice Hall International Ltd., pp.69-72 Mill & Morrison (1992), The Tourism System, (3rd ed.), Prentice Hall Pearce, D., (1989), Tourist Development, (2nd ed.), New York: Longman Group Ltd Thailand Authority of Tourism, (1999), TAT Annual Report, Bangkok Tuner, G., (1992), Public/Private sector Partnership-Paneca or Passin Phase, Insights, English Tourist Board Inskeep, E., (1991), Tourism Planning: an integrated and sustainable development approach, New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold