Conservative and Liberal Ideologies in Canada

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Essay Database > Literature > North American
Democracies such as Canada pride themselves on having 'free elections', within which different ideologies are given the opportunity to battle for favour of the public. Since Confederation, Canada and its inhabitants have seen the leadership of this country caught in a seemingly never-ending tug-of-war between two opposing forces, the ideologies of conservatism and liberalism. Over time, these fundamental tenets, as represented by the political parties with corresponding names, have slowly deviated from their original meanings, …

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…Thorburn & Alan Whitehorn (eds.), Party Politics in Canada, 8th edition, (Toronto: Prentice Hall, 2001), pp. 381-397. Who sets the Agenda? Perspectives on Media in Hugh G. Thorburn & Alan Whitehorn (eds.), Party Politics in Canada, 8th edition, (Toronto: Prentice Hall, 2001), pp. 39-44 Hyundai Sonata. Advertisement. Toronto Star. November 7, 2005. Wheels, G17 Mulroney Stacks Senate to Pass GST. CBC. Sept. 27, 1990