Conservative Movement

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Many people argue that the conservative movement started with an article in the National Review on November 19, 1955. The name of the article was the "Publisher's Statement", written by William F. Buckley Jr., the magazine's editor-publisher. At the age of 30, Buckley declared, "let's face it: Unlike Vienna it seems altogether possible that did National Review not exist, no one would have invented it." During the first five years, the magazine's circulation hovered around 20,000. This would be …

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…as its policies gain more interest and its ideas are spread throughout the Nation. What is the future of conservatism? Well as the Internet becomes more popular, the ideas and thoughts of conservatives will become more widely accepted. I predict the future for conservatives to be brighter and met with open arms. As America gets more concerned with budget spending and tax cuts, the Nation will soon find that traditional values are best kept alive.