Conservatism vs. Liberalism between 1886 and 1906.

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Essay Database > History > European History
In the following essay I will consider the two questions; why were the liberals out of power for so much of the period 1886-1906 and how do historians explain Conservative success in the period 1886-1906. At first glance it seems a simple answer why the liberals were out of power for all but 3 years (as a minority government) out of 20, the simple answer is that the liberal party was weakened, seemingly beyond repair when in 1886 …

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…elections the conservatives even without the 93 votes would have been able to form minority governments. It was a huge factor that would lead to serve repercussions for the Liberals but my view is that the Conservatives where just what the country wanted and the People they wanted e.g. Joseph Chamberlain and Lord Salisbury who where more 'in touch' with the public then Gladstone who was sadly coming to the end of a marvellous career.