Conservation Of Momentum/Energy

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Pages: 25
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Essay Database > Literature
Contains a collision experiment carried out between two colliding pool balls. Also have video's that were analyised too (are rather large files) images wont work but ill upload the actual file also. Conservation of Momentum & Energy Aim: To find whether momentum is conserved between two billiards balls of same mass colliding head on, with one being in a stationary position, & how different velocities and surfaces affect the conservation. Theory: In all …

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…as well as sound and heat energy losses upon collision. For momentum and energy to be conserved, not external forces must act on the closed system, which in this case it did, as we are not living in an idealistic world to be able to do so, however there are ways to reduce the amount of friction, which helps to illustrate that momentum may be conserved in an idealistic situation, if such could be achieved.