Consequences of Drugs.

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
I poured most of the cans contents onto a leaf of cigarette paper rolled it into a crooked joint, and promptly smoked down to the roach. This was my everyday routine. I'd wake up early just to do this. I'd sometimes think it was sad, but I thought to myself, everyone who doesn't do this is sad. How can people get up and go to a place for 8 hours a day and listen to people …

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…kids are forced to go to school their whole lives. Once you've survived school, you can survive anything else in your life. After all, I got over drugs because of school, even if that's the only thing I got out of it, it unfortunately has to be there for us. Besides if it gets to us, Mary Jane is always there for you too......and so is your name in the paper. . . under the obituaries.