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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Psychology
Congruence is the "degree of accuracy between experience, communication, and awareness. If a person has a high level of congruence then they are nearly equal in all three areas; whereas, incongruence occurs when there are differences between the three areas. <Tab/>In the past, I had a few experiences in which a teacher, girlfriend, or my mother would tell me to calm down because I was to upset. I would begin …

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…heartache, anger, and that complete sense of loss and torturous agony that everyone feels at some point in there life? Congruency is a very broad term, which I can keep dissecting and examining, because of the many aspects that are within it but I will end with the question: Can a person be continually congruent while facing his pains, trials, and tribulations and also bearing the weight and heartache that he must witness of others?