Confucianism and Japanese Growth-

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Essay Database > History
Confucianism and Japanese Growth- Many factors helped aid in the dynamic growth that occurred in Japan and the four little dragons during the post-World War 2 period. Some of these factors were situational factors unique to the time but some of the factors were cultural. The legacy of Confucianism in Japan and the four little dragons helped to further the goals of industrialization that these nations had. The traditions of Confucianism provided for Japan and the …

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…these factors alone also do not account for the rapid rates of growth in East Asia. A large role was played by the traditions of Confucianism which created a pliant and stable populace, skilled and eager workers, and a meritocratic bureaucracy that were skilled at formulating and carrying out economic policy. Confucianism's traditions are manifested not only in the temples of East Asia but also in the rapid rates of growth this region has experienced.