Confronting History and Realizing National Identity: A Critical Analysis of Jan T. Gross's Neighbors.

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Essay Database > History > European History
Neighbors by Jan T. Gross Jan T. Gross's Neighbors recalls the 1941 mass murder of Jews in Jedwabne, Poland. For the past sixty years, Pols have failed to address this incident with any real honesty, and until they do so, their national history will never be complete. This is particularly relevant in Poland because its Jewish population constituted a significant portion of its overall population. While Gross does not arrive at any satisfactory conclusions to explain …

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…ignored history and continued discrimination? It certainly would not be the land it is reputed to be, and it is because of the desire to fulfill America's reputation that we continue to deal with our history through, for example, affirmative action. For the same reasons, Poland is finally beginning to deal with its own black eye of the past. This is Neighbors biggest contribution. Through this cathartic experience, Pols too can realize their national identity.