Conflicting Ideas of Canada’s Past

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He has been called a prophet, a traitor, a martyr, a visionary and a madman, but whatever one thinks of him, Louis Riel, remains one of the most controversial figures in Canadian history. Does this man who has continued to haunt Canadian history for more than a century after his execution, deserve all of those descriptions? After reading three different interpretations of the rebellions, it is still difficult to decide which is closer to the …

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…d the Metis, 1869-1885 (Waterloo Ontario: Wilfred Laurier University Press, 1991) 157. 12Sprague 174. 13 Sprague 175 14 Thomas Flanagan, Riel and The Rebellion 1885 Reconsidered (Saskatoon: Western Producer Prairie Books, 1984) 83. 15Flanagan 26. 16Flanagan 27. 17Flanagan 51. 18Flanagan 47. 19Flanagan 49. 20Flanagan 71. 21Flanagan 99-100. 22Flanagan 145. 23Flanagan 146. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography** Flanagan, Thomas, Riel and the Rebellion 1885 Reconsidered (Saskatoon: Western Producer Prairie Books, 1984) Sprague, D., Canada and the Metis, 1869-1885 (Waterloo Ontario: Wilfred Laurier University Press, 1991) Stanley, G.F.G., The Birth of Western Canada (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1961)