Conflicting Goals for the U.N. Resolution.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Current Issues
Conflicting Goals for the U.N. Resolution (written on 10/19/2002) On Thursday, October 10th, the United States Congress voted on a resolution that would authorize President Bush to use military force against Iraq. The House of Representatives vote was 296 to 133, in support of the president. The Senate voted several hours later, approving the resolution, 296 to 133. The Republicans were firm supporters of the president; in the Senate, only one republican voted against the resolution. In the House, …

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…case that Iraq does not comply with the inspectors. Many of the U.N. members were in support of France's two resolutions. France responded favorably to the new proposal, which the U.S. claimed was it's last. A Security Council meeting is expected to be held early next week. where President Jacques Chirac of France will give his response the offer. Diplomats are optimistic, viewing the compromise as the first sign of progress in weeks.