Conflict of Morality

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Conflict of Morality in "Young Goodman Brown" In "Young Goodman Brown", Nathaniel Hawthorne shows how Goodman Brown can't be content with himself untill he has accepted that he has the potential to be both good and evil. His single-minded nature brought on by the religious dogma that he has grown up with, prevents him from seeing both the good and evil within himself. At this time in his journey, he can only see the good …

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…prayer, he scowled, and muttered to himself, and gazed sternly at his wife."(172). Now, he is miserable and he makes otehrs miserable also. His failure at passing his test of faith has resulted in his life being worst that what it was before when he was just troubled. If he had accepted that good and evil were meant to dwell harmoniously within himself, then his faith in the goodness of himself would have grown stronger.