Conflict in indochina-Pol Pot & Lon Nol

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Essay Database > History
This is a modern history assessment task for the Indochina conflict: POL POT Born in 1925, Pol Pot was originally named Saloth Sar. Growing up in the Kompong Thom province of Cambodia, his family was relatively successful and prosperous. In his early years, he served with the anti-French resistance under Ho Chi Minh and became part of the Indochinese Communist Party. In 1948 he went to Paris, under a scholarship, where he joined the French Communist Party …

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…drawn between Lon Nol and Ngo Diem. Both were placed in their respective governments by the US to promote Democracy and suppress communism. But they became corrupt, did not listen to the needs of the people and were overthrown by the communist rebels. But unlike Diem, Nol's successor was one that did worse damage than he did himself. Pol Pot committed atrocities of ghastly proportion, whereas Ho Chi Minh ensured a future for his people.