Conflict in Northern Ireland

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Essay Database > History
"A bloody phenomenon cannot be explained by a bloodless theory." - Donald Horowitz The conflict in Northern Ireland is a battle between two religiously and culturally differentiated groups, Protestant Unionists and Catholic Republicans, over the fate of Ireland. Unionists are the Protestant descendants of British immigrants, who began coming to the island as early as the 12th century to farm and conduct business. Their sphere of influence, economically and politically, remained centralized in the area …

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…political action, has been played out within an ideological field in which exclusivist forms held a massive predominance. "Standing Back to Comprehend, Looking Forward to Resolution" - The intrinsic bias of experience in the ideologically opposed peoples of Northern Ireland Texts Consulted: Conroy, J. Belfast Diary - War as a Way of Life: Beacon Press, Boston; 1987. Cunningham, W. Theoretical Framework for Conflict Resolution; Thesis for Masters of Literature in Political Studies: University of Auckland Press, 1998.