Conflict Within

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
In "Greasy Lake," a short story written by T. Corghessan Boyle, three young men come into conflict while looking for good, clean fun at an old hangout. The men in the story are on a mission, one that they embarked upon by mistake and are now in a battle to overcome not only natures obstacles, but obstacles within themselves. The boys went out that night only looking to have a good time, but this night …

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…looking for a good ole' time, and pushing life's limits a little too far. Fortunately the beaten man survived the brutal incident and retaliated against the narrator, by attacking his car. In the end, all three men recognize what is too far and rely on guided goals to help them choose the right path, and that is peace. The boys wish to forget the incident at hand and move on as successful men of society.