Conflict - creative story

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
Tony could almost taste the heavenly iced cake, sitting high on its display shelf. The sweet aromas that poured out from all corners of the bakery filled the air, and overwhelmed his senses. He fantasized that he was not such as poor boy as he was, but a rich, royal and respected man, who could buy out the whole bakery if he wished. Tony was only brought back to reality when the baker came out …

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…the bakery every day until he met his beloved Nichole. The very next morning, just as he had resolved, Tony was up early and leaning by the side of the bakery, hoping to catch a glimpse of Nichole. To his utter dismay, she never arrived, and he felt more heart broken than ever. Even so, he willed himself to go the next morning and the morning after that, always waiting for his love to appear.