Confession / St. Sugustine. Analysis of memory in Augustine's confessions.

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In book X of Augustine's confessions, Augustine focuses on the world's existence in God. He follows this goal through the examination of memory; its relation to the self and its powers. St. Augustine focuses on memory as an unconscious knowledge, which eventually leads him to his knowledge of God. Augustine is no longer telling events of the past, but only of present time. Augustine begins his analysis of memory in a description of a house, "…

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…the god who made me. The next stage is memory, which is like a great field or a spacious palace, a store house of countless images of all kind which were conveyed to it by the senses" (X: chapter 8, 214). St, Augustine's concept of memory is intricate; he takes memory and gives it personification and life. Augustine examination of memory in very specific; he examines the different aspects of memory, which one would not usually consider.