Conduct Disorders

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Pages: 6
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Conduct disorders are a complicated set of behavioral and emotional problems that afflict between nine percent of male boys and two percent of female girls. Persistent aggression, theft, lying, destruction, and vandalism characterize the disorder. Most of all the child or adolescent violates societal norms and the basic rights of others (Appendix). The etiology of the disorder is still in debate. Some theories relate the disorder to inconsistent home lives, a predisposition to the disorder, …

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…and adolescents with conduct disorder. [On-line]. Available: America On-line, Medline Record. Davidson, G. C., & Neale, J. M. (1994). Abnormal Psychology (6th ed.). New York: Wiley and Sons, Inc. Lewis, D., & Lovely, Y. (1994). A clinical follow-up of delinquent males. [On-line]. Available: Reebye, P., Moretti, M., & Lessard, J. C. (1995). Conduct disorder and substance abuse disorder: Comorbidity in a clinical sample of preadolescent and adolescents. [On-line]. Available: America On-line, Medline Record.