Conditions experienced by Australian soliders in the Western Front in World War One.

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Essay Database > History > War & Conflicts
1)<Tab/>Why did Australian men volunteer to enlist in WWI? Pay The army provided an extremely good regular wage that almost doubled the wage of a Labourer. The Australian Solider receiving 6 shillings a day was the best paid soldier in the world. The decision to enlist was very attractive because it was the time of high unemployment and a weak economy. Adventure/Travel 'The chance of a lifetime', this was the …

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…food - no electricity - fridges o<Tab/>Low morale o<Tab/>Stresses o<Tab/>Noisy o<Tab/>Health at risk o<Tab/>Weather - summer - hot/sticky/smelly/dry - winter - cold/rainy/muddy o<Tab/>Limited supplies o<Tab/>Dead bodies lying around