Concept Art War is Over! John Lennon, Yoko Ono's Campeign Christmas 1969

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<Tab/>On the First of December 2004, Kevin Concannon gave a lecture at the Myers School on Yoko Ono and John Lennon's War is Over! campaign of 1969. The word "campaign" in particular is noteworthy because Ono and Lennon's art was carried out through multiple different mediums, yet all sought to convey the same concept. Billboards, storefront posters, concerts, performance art, and internationally broadcasted television specials were all used in a concerted effort …

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…was drawn due to the fame of the Beatles and Lennon himself, but most attention was drawn due to the artistic nature of the components of the campaign. So, why are not all advertising campaigns considered works of art? The definition of art lies in the hands of people and society, but anything unique, unusually thought provoking, elegant, and efficient is art in my book, and just may fall into the category of conceptual art.