Computer Security

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Computers and Cybernetics
Your home computer has all a person's information, and access to a world for another person. Credit card information, bank accounts and, social security numbers. These people can take this information use your identity to get them a very good paid by you the person with the home computer. The system intruders use "hard disk" space, "fast processor", and the Internet connection. The more computers that an intruder uses the harder it is to find …

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…for this will hinder the intruder's progress with the availability of knowledge obtained form different vendors. Home computers are a great asset and we as home computer users must continue to evolve with the systems that are needed to keep the intruders out of your personal space and business this is a reminder that growth in the industry takes place everyday with new innovations there is a need to keep up-to-date on the current programs.