Computer Crime

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Pages: 12
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Essay Database > Literature > English
The technological revolution has taken full swing . If a business doesn't have some form of e-commerce, or if a person does not have some form of an e-mail address, they are seen as living in the stone age. This new world of virtual life, where with the click of a button a person can travel millions of miles in a few seconds, millions of new opportunities have arisen. However, someone has to always ruin the …

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…C. Spreads a certain fear amongst computer users. 1. marketing ploys playing on these fears IV The unstoppable criminals A. The activities of "hackers." 1. methods used 2. ethics of "hackers" B. Corporate actions taken. C. The actions of the federal and state governments. 1. passage of laws 2. how these laws violate individual rights V Conclusion A. Show an example of the alternative computer community. B. Summarization of thesis statement. C. Give possible solutions based on the evidence provided.