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Essay Database > Science & Technology
How do I remove SubSeven? Removing SubSeven is a two-step procedure due to you having to shutdown and delete the trojan. Firstly, boot into MS-DOS mode. Do this by shutting down your computer and starting it up again. While its loading press F8 multiple times until you get a text based list. This will have an option called "Command prompt only". This is MS-DOS so move the highlighter onto that and press enter. This will …

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…shell=explorer.exe". This is okay, but if it says "shell=explorer.exe -trojan_name_here-.exe", delete the bit saying "-trojan_name_here-.exe" so the line will end up as "shell=explorer.exe". Save the file from the File menu. Note: The "trojan_name_here-.exe" could be any file name Now you have successfully removed SubSeven, but before you're finished, reboot your machine. Congratulations - you are no longer infected. Bibliography Computer