Complex Hamlet

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
Complex Hamlet Upon examining Shakespeare's characters in this play, Hamlet proves to be a very complex character, and functions as the key element to the development of the play. Throughout the play we see the many different aspects of Hamlet's personality by observing his actions and responses to certain situations. Hamlet takes on the role of a strong character, but through his internal weaknesses we witness his destruction. In the opening of the play, Hamlet …

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…After this, Hamlet seems to lose touch with his true self and succumb to his darker side. Over all, we are able to see Shakespear's great tragedy in action. We experience the same feelings as the characters do, and thus become involved. Through Hamlet's complex personality, it is possible to see how he functions in carrying out and maintaining the plot and story line. Although he seems a bit dramatic, he makes this tragedy possible.