Comperition in America

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Essay Database > Literature > English
America, Home of the Competitive Accusing American society of being too competitive is a broad allegation, though competition is no doubt an essential part of our daily lives. It is evident in the law-making authorities of our country, in addition to state and local leaders. It is apparent in everyday business, whether in the stock market or in simple business advertisements. Sporting events contain enormous amounts of competition, but this friendly competition sometimes gets out …

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…you look, politicians are looking for ways to gain votes. Businesses are competing for the right to have the best product. Sports fans are becoming more competitive than ever. Competition, in any manner, cannot be kept from happening. It therefore cannot be regulated. American society is in every way competitive, and that will not change. I would not say that America as a whole is too competitive, but competitive for the wrong reasons. Word Count: 628