Compassion in Oliver Twist. Discusses three characters who express compassion throughout the novel.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Thesis: In Oliver Twist Charles Dickens creates many characters capable of great compassion, as seen in Mrs. Bedwin, Rose Maylie, and Nancy. In Oliver Twist, Charles Dickens introduces the reader to the concepts of good vs. evil. Dickens writes about the constant hostility between good and evil, with evil continually trying to damage and abuse the good. Many emotions portray themselves in the novel such as love, hate, vengeance, and selfishness; but the one sentiment …

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…most precise and obvious form of compassion, Nancy risked her life for Oliver. In the novel, Oliver Twist, Charles Dickens gives Mrs. Bedwin, Rose Maylie, and Nancy the quality of compassion. Their strong concern for Oliver, as well as others, illustrates the virtues of sacrifice, loyalty, and compromise. Good out weighs evil, which points out the fact that compassion can bring rewarding outcomes to anyone whose soul is willing to overcome its barriers of corruption.