Comparsion of 1984's Winston and Julia and Romeo and Juliet's love.

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One distinct difference between Winston and Julia, and Romeo and Juliet, is how they met and fell in love. Winston met Julia at his work and from the first time he saw her, he hated her. Winston even wanted to kill her once, because he believed she was a spy from the Thought Police. His anger quickly changed to love when she secretly handed him a note containing the message, "I love you." Upon receiving …

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…both cases I feel that the couples have very unreal love stories. Winston wouldn't just go from hating this girl to loving her with out at least thinking about it for some time. And I bet that there's not very many people see someone their attracted to and decided to marry them right away. In both situations the characters have a sort of Disney-like, fake love story, making both stories a little harder to believe.