Comparitive Amerindian Essay.

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The Aztecs, Incas, and Mayans can be considered to be the greatest early American civilizations. All three are similar in many things, but there are a few differences that set them apart. The three civilizations were very similar in various things. They all depended on great armies to expand their borders and protect the homeland. All three had a similar polytheistic religion that was very important to them. The civilizations had strong economies with substantial …

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…had a postal system that utilized runners; a message could be taken from one end of the country to the other in 18 hours. The three civilizations were strong, fearsome empires of the early Americas. They can be held as an example of a strong ancient civilization. However similar they may have been, there were still enough differences to hold them apart in history. Work cited from World History: The Human Odyssey by Jackson J. Spielvogel